I am preparing to return to Haiti October 15th.  It seems like the summer has flown by in Michigan. Four of our kids in Haiti started at the American School near our house. Three of these kids are being adopted, so they are getting ready for the US.

The owner of our house has agreed to rent for one more year. Sometimes he says we can buy it then he changes his mind. I must find the owner of the land on the other side that is still connected to Kwam my partners land. I don’t feel like I can exist in Haiti without him and his wife. The Episcopal church owns it and I have called New York and they gave me contacts which I cannot reach. I will do more research when I get there. Please pray we can purchase our house we live in now or the land on the other side!!

IBESR Haiti social services was just at our house again to interview the children alone, inspect and prepare to give us our license. That is a major step to have a license in Haiti and will protect us and make us very legal. I will finish that up when I get there also.

I am very excited to return. I have much to do. I will be in charge of the children’s message at our church, drive kids to their schools, still help at the hospital, get our license, find the owner of that land, do kids snacks every night, do the shopping,  etc etc and be in charge of the orphanage. Thank God I have Him and that it isn’t all me.  🙂  🙂


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