Anne Hume
My name is Ann Hume and I am the founder and president of God’s Children Haiti. It is all because of Christ and the Holy Spirit’s guidance why we are here and still together!!!!!

Sean Leach MD
Dr. Sean Leach is a practicing anesthesiologist in Lincoln, NE. He joined the board of directors in early 2016.

Kim Richards
A single mom with 2 teenage daughters living 20 minutes north of Indianapolis in Lapel, Indiana. I graduated from Huntington University (Indiana) in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. I did social work for many years until moving back to my hometown of Oscoda, Michigan. While living there I met Ann through my uncle (David Taylor) in 2009. I found Ann’s passion and heart for the children of Haiti appealing and I wanted to be involved. I have been the Treasurer since 2010.

Celeste Taylor
Celeste Taylor is our secretary and Kim’s Mom. She lives in Oscoda and we attend the same church. She’s an awesome missionary and is always helping someone. Celeste prays for us a lot!! She gets the mail, deposits checks to the bank, folds the newsletter, mails them and SO SO much more. I’m extremely blessed for my wonderful board!

Maureen Rudel
A retired attorney who lives with her retired attorney husband in East Tawas, Michigan. While working on board a ship, and waiting tables, in 1966, we docked in Port-au-Prince and a number of the waitresses would take food up to an orphanage in the hills. This is when I became interested in the plight of Haiti’s children. After graduating from Dearborn High School in Dearborn, Michigan, I attended the University of Michigan and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics with Chemistry and Physics. Later, with my husband, I attended the University of Detroit Law School at night, graduating in 1974. I graduated Magna cum Laude. I have been on the Board since 2014.